
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Steps web


 Sensational StepsWeb

StepsWeb is a programme that helps our learning in all areas of Literacy.
This is how much time I have spent on Steps so far this year.  You can also see what my accuracy levels are:

REFLECTION: To be some good Steps
Next Steps: my next  step is getting to 289.


Monday, May 10, 2021

Being On Time

 Perfect Punctuality 

 Personal Time Management Being On Time And Late Stock Vector - Illustration  of delay, hour: 129630881

This week value is  Being On-Time it is Inpnterst to be on time because you will not get much work done The value for Being On Time is Be There. And if you are On Time you will get loles and a 


Friday, May 7, 2021

Have fun and Celebrate together

 This week Value we have fun and celebrate together it means tingeringer other in your games and its a good value for this week because it makes many of the kindness came back when we all are happy, not sad because the kids in the school are happy and are good when the good people. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Community Check


Thriving Community Have active members each with roles and Responsibilities

Thriving means you can word for your friends.

Active means you can lessing to the havers word if you don't know them.

Responsibilities mean you are Responsilberliltes you are Respontr for your acorns.



 My S.M.A.R.T Goals 

I what to get better and all of my goals and male at witting and Redding because redding its the best thing to do at school. And I need to by neter at me witting in my book and. It was helpful for my learning to Know what my next steps are. I like having a clear goal to work on.

how do you what me to reke my goals?